El Real Madrid recibe respuesta del Presidente del Comité Técnico de Árbitros (English version available)

En declaraciones a la COPE, Sánchez Arminio responde a las últimas críticas del Real Madrid, Florentino y sus medios afines.

Curioso que diga que las relaciones con el Real Madrid son las mismas que con cualquier otro club, ¿debe demostrar algo? Porque si son iguales que con cualquier otro club por qué se le permite al Real Madrid criticar al estamento arbitral por medio de su Presidente, en otro caso hubiera sido advertido o remitido al comité de competición por unas declaraciones tan graves.


In declarations for Spanish radio COPE, Sánchez Arminio, president of the Technical Committee of Referees for Spanish football competitions, response to the latest accusations and critics from Real Madrid, from its president Florentino Pérez and its controlled media.

It is curious that Arminio states that relations with Real Madrid are the same as for the other clubs, does he need to demonstrate something otherwise? Because if they are the same why Real Madrid is allowed to criticise the Committee through its Presiden, in other case it would have been advertised and forwarded to the Competition Committee from (RFEF, Royal Spanish Federation of Football) for such serious statements.
